Platform events

A place for your DevOps talks

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Hot topics from various companies about platform engineering.

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Speakers who are not afraid to share their experiences.

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Dates for our

Platform events

Join us at one of our upcoming events to meet our team and other interesting speakers.


25th June 2024

Zilina (SK)

Platform meetup

Venue: Smer Klub 77

Join our meetup dedicated to platform engineering. You can expect four interesting speakers from different companies. We will host seasoned engineers from the Dutch fintech company Ohpen, the successful Slovak start-up CloudTalk, and two Slovak companies dedicated to the world of DevOps and platform engineering - Labyrinth Labs and Plectrum Engineering.

Get your free tickets now! Event is welcoming anyone whether you are a DevOps engineer or not, feel free to join us.


18:00-18:30 - Tomáš Zuzčák (Ohpen)

Simplification of AWS Transit Gateway network - merge multiple TGW into one central TGW

18:35-19:05 - Filip Prošovský (CloudTalk)

Beyond Provisioning: Terraform Cloud for Logical, Parameterized, and Scalable Infrastructure

19:10-19:40 - Jakub Stehlík (Labyrinth Labs)

Save money while sleeping: Kubernetes scheduled shutdown

19:45-20:15 - Daniel Rajčan (Plectrum Engineering)

Cloudification - If you think you are in the clouds, you are still on the ground

20:15-22:00 - Networking

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